The Assembly

Kyle Yip // Dream Painting F9


Dream Painting F9, Acrylic on wood panel, 121.92 × 121.92 cm, 2021.


The idea for this series emerged from my recovery through various therapeutic modalities to counter chronic sleep and anxiety disorders symptomatic of the major depression I was working with as a fine artist. I achieved a significant breakthrough in 2017, when I discovered how to consolidate my studies of psychology and neuroscience with my art practice within different states of conscious awareness. I am able to perceive then examine these artworks which emerge during my dreams in vivid detail. The underlying formal structures I am exploring have as much to do with the hypnotic, subliminal, and meditative arrangement of repetitive commodity formulas used in marketing displays and web-based media as they have to do with avant-garde cult images. This tension between visual arrest and scansion within different states of awareness can reveal how the unconscious has been visually colonized by advertising infrastructures redolent of monotonous imagery of the commodity form.


Detail of Dream Painting F9, Acrylic on wood panel, 121.92 × 121.92 cm, 2021.

Detail of Dream Painting F9, Acrylic on wood panel, 121.92 × 121.92 cm, 2021.


Kyle Yip is a Canadian, JUNO Award Nominated hypersurrealist artist of mixed racial decent internationally recognized for his highly coterminous creations of visual art, electronic music, and films originally envisioned during his dreams. His work has been exhibited internationally including Nuit Blanche in Toronto, JanKossen Contemporary in New York City, Ignite Gallery at OCADU, and the CICA Museum in Korea. He was awarded the Ontario Arts Council Exhibition Assistance Grant 2021-2022, 1st Prize at The Holy Art group exhibition in London and The Art Gallery of Mississauga's Juried Show of Fine Arts, and published a four-page spread in Al-Tiba9 Magazine.

Visit Kyle Yip’s website or Instagram to see more works.