The Assembly
Angela Hansen // Uncomfortable Truths

Coiffed hair, perfect nails and makeup, dinner made, children fed, and an ice-cold martini waiting for hubby. Super Mom. (Compliant) sex goddess. Women have been taught to put their own needs and pain aside in deference to looking after others. It is a facade we wear so that we may not be perceived as selfish, lazy, or weak; especially by other women. On the outside we seem normal, ok, even happy…but what we are truly wearing are the lies and denials we tell ourselves to help us cope and maintain the facade…but sometimes…they don’t.
Detail of Uncomfortable Truths, encaustic-based assemblage sculpture, 45" x 30" x 8", January 2022.
Detail of Uncomfortable Truths, encaustic-based assemblage sculpture, 45" x 30" x 8", January 2022.
Angela Hansen is a Lake Country-based artist and art instructor. She completed her BDes at the ECUAD and her BEd from the UVic. Angela creates with encaustics and her work is recognized for its organic-inspired imagery, sculptural qualities and use of texture. Angela has exhibited in Canada and the US including 2 installations in 2021: “BREATH” at the Alternator Centre For Contemporary Art, and “BRINK” at the Kelowna Art Gallery. Angela has written articles for Encaustic Arts Magazine and Wax Fusion and her work is in permanent collection at the Encaustic Art Institute and Museum in Santa Fe.
Visit Angela Hansen’s website, Instagram or Facebook to see more works.