The Assembly

AJ Salter // Where Did You Get That Coat?


Where Did You Get That Coat? is a wearable art piece—a white coat with hand dyed elements in tailored areas that would otherwise be neglected in mass-production. These elements stand out because of the contrast in colour that attracts attention to the process and time these elements require. I aim to help people develop a better taste for what they should be expecting from their garments by displaying the value of hand making and sustainable clothing. The completion of this coat is important for me as well, because a big part is the satisfaction I receive from completing the work. I want to start discussions about the limitations of fast fashion and the benefits of basic education in tailoring. Factory-made clothing is often ill-fitting and impractical because it’s cheaply produced and made to fit an average size, which many people do not fit into.


Where Did You Get That Coat? Detail of dying process, 2021.

Where Did You Get That Coat? Detail of hand dyed indigo cotton, 2021.


My name is AJ and I am from Grand Forks, BC. After completing my Bachelor of Fine Arts with a minor in Art History at UBCO I moved to the Netherlands to pursue a Masters of Museum and Collections at Leiden University. It has been an incredible experience to start learning Dutch and to immerse myself in a new culture. Recently I have been exploring the rich culture the museums and galleries in the Netherlands have to offer. I also love to sew, draw, ballroom dance, and do historical recreation!

If you would like to learn more about AJ’s work, visit her website or follow her on Facebook.